If you’re not 100% happy with your purchase, you can return it to us in its original condition and original packaging within 30 days for a full refund, excluding delivery fees. Please refer to our returns policy for terms and conditions.
To ensure your return is accepted, please ensure your items meet our return criteria below.
If you have a large or oversized item, please contact us here to arrange your return.
Please ensure you keep all packaging as we can only accept returns with the original packaging.
You are responsible for covering the cost of returning items to us, however, we’ll provide a pre-paid shipping label which will be deducted from the final refund total.
You can use our automated returns process if your return fits within the following criteria:
your package is within 57 x 47 x 47cm and weighs less than 15kg
Some different-shaped packages may also be returned. Add together the 2 shortest sides and multiply it by 2. Add the length, if the total is less than 245 you’re good to go!
Our process is simple:
- Fill in the online form
Please Fill In Online Returns Form - Once approved, we’ll email you confirmation including all the information you’ll need
Returns Email Confirmation Icon - Print your shipping label and secure it to your package
If you don’t have a printer, you can take the barcode to the shop directly, where they can print out the label for you.
Print Shipping Label Icon
Note: for larger items the returns process will slightly differ
If you’re not sure if your parcel can be returned, please contact our Customer Service Team using our contact us form and they will be happy to help.
Returning a Large or Oversized item?
If you are returning a larger or heavier item, you’ll need to contact our team via our contact us form.